Armin was born on 4.12. 2013, he came to us together with his sister Alice in 2019 after the death of his owner and breeder.
He is a big, insecure dog, he needs to find support in his owner, but also natural authority. He can tolerate both men and women, but you have to take into account that he is more like a small horse than a dog. He is used to being in a kennel all his life. Once he gets used to the person, he’s a huge cuddler.
Would you like to adopt Armin remotely? See HERE how you can help.
If you are considering a real adoption, please contact us by email and we will be happy to answer any questions.
Support Armin via QR code for one month 1500 CZK
Armin Echelon wolf was last modified: 14 dubna, 2024 by Záchranná stanice pro Československé vlčáky